The Ethos Project, at the Ethosphere :
A nonprofit 501(c)3 that curates intimate spaces for the public of Los Angeles, at unique intersections of being that highlight the legacy and diversity of its people.
Ours is a constant critical evaluation of the following principles…
Are we being mindful of the legacy we are building towards, in each of our daily habits? Are we honoring the best of our heritage, by repairing the damages of our worst? What are we writing down in our history, and how are we passing the wisdom forward? How can we nurture more multi-generational homes? How can we imagine a future that celebrates our history?
How are we taking steps to build a sustainable and regenerative future? Are we giving back to the land? Where can we blur the lines between urban and rural landscapes? What are we embodying when we consume and digest the world around us? How do we reduce overall waste and excess? When was the last time we embraced a good old natural time?
Standing as stewards of the land we inhabit, by prioritizing the intentions of those most indigenous to it. Implementing these intentions in every step of our design development.
I. Indigenous to mean those who are literally native to the land.
II. Inherited, to mean those who are born into the community, and/or raised in its culture.
III. Invested, to mean those who are actively investing in the culture, with "skin" in the game.
IV. Intended, to mean those those who stand in allyship and solidarity with the community.
To learn more about the First Peoples of Los Angeles County, please visit the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission website at
… in order to understand whether we are truly creating a compassionate, regenerative, and equitable ethos within each of our communities.